Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Is this heaven on earth?

this is my college campus an one of the best places I love to be... its simply amazin an lovely an serene an what not...
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chemilio... to be or not to be...?

my frns an I were walkin in t garden an all of a sudden Mr.camouflage caught my attention... result,this memory 4ever ;)
always to be in line with nature is a gift.... not everyone gets t chance... might be I'm lucky enough to've been one...at least as of now...
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Saturday, November 03, 2007

microscopic or macro?????

flowers... jus look at the intricasies... i never expected t pic to turn out like this... in whatever sense be it.. but i liked it very much... the red an sandal and the small furs all thru out.... they r so delicate... an so soft... u'll start dwellin in reality t moment u start observin it.. nature is pure an good an holds lotta secrets 4 us... but man's yet 2 discover it
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Sunday, September 30, 2007


wild and free... i go mad when i see nature... its magnetic an mesmerising... nothin can replace it...
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wanna be as fat as this???!!!! its mega lemon...
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spectacular sunset

this is kadamparai dam, an its around eveni 5:30... we were returnin back to r home from t trek... the sun was jus settin.. t light rays reflected by t mountains were like laser beams... it was simply gr8... i tried capturin it.. an its up to u to decide if i succeeded in it...
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Gymnasian at work...

here's my cousin... a little boy, devoid of fear, perfectly ready an fit to learn gymnastics... :)
hope he doesn't make his parents break their heads with his hyper activities....
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flora an fauna

it was noon an we were busy havin lunch... all of a sudden lord hanuman turned up from nowhere... hope he was hungry... he dint even wait 4 r service... he jus started grabin r delicious meals and had a gr8 feast... we dint realise that t food my mom prepared was so good...!!!

this bamboo forest holds rich variety of flora an rare orchids too...
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Sindbadh Island...

Isn't it scary....?!!! just hope no whales come out flying 6 ft high...
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honey bee comb... on the rock.. it is supposed to be possessing lot of medicinal properties. some times it is bitter too...!!!
the hollow structures on the montain were created by the gaint bugs... there r lot more of this kind here... this particular hole is big and the most prominent one...
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Saturday, September 29, 2007

In and around the rock temple...

the water body near the rock temple... it is very steep and creates swirls. it looks calm and inviting... but it is equally dangerous...!

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rituals... to be or not to be?

People believe that carving thei feet on the rock cures their ailment... aeons together god knows what'll geologists infer from it....!!
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Aadhali Amman Temple

The rock you are looking right now is spl in its own way... it has a cave where the Samana Rishis were believed to have lived. it is considered to be sacred and divine. Apart from it the place is very silent, calm and serene. it has water catchment area close to it...
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Arutperumjothi Nagar

This is the Dhyana Mantapam, the main yoga centre...
This is Yogi Mani Mantapam, Vethathri Maharishi's Samadhi.
This place is in Aliyar, near Pollachi.
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